Brunch with Mom Guilt Free

Mother's Day Brunch

Isn't a Sunday brunch relaxing? No work to hurry off to, no dishes to do, just good food with good company. And it's even better when that company is your mom on Mother's Day. Or maybe your kids on the day they celebrate you! But gosh are there a lot of calories in that tempting buffet.

So how do you enjoy your Sunday tradition while sticking to a healthy eating plan? Read on for our tips:

1) Ask for sparkling water instead of a Mimosa. Alcohol offers nothing but empty calories but you can get the same sense of enjoying a special drink with a cool, bubbly sparkling water with a splash of whatever fruity taste you prefer. A slice of lemon, lime or orange in your glass looks gorgeous and adds a refreshing sweetness. But if you absolutely must enjoy an alcoholic drink during a special brunch, make it a small glass of champagne for only 84 calories in a four ounce serving.

2) Head for the omelet bar. And choose your own fillings with an eye for fresh vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and onions. If you need a bit more protein (although eggs pack in a ton protein) then you can sprinkle on a spoonful of cheese, but keep that sprinkle small.

3) Go easy on the pancakes. You can eat well at a brunch buffet while avoiding waffles and pancakes but if you do choose these high carb options then try to find buckwheat or whole grain versions. Skip the butter and the sugary syrups and pile some fruit on your pancakes instead.

4) Watch out for hidden fat in "healthy" choices. We're talking granola and oatmeal here, which can be full of fats and calories even if they seem to be the poster child for healthy eating. Do order the oatmeal but ask for it plain instead of loaded with butter and sugar. Then add your own non-calorie sweetener and maybe some fruit or yoghurt to make this everyday breakfast staple feel special.

5) Go Yuppie with avocado toast. Sure, avocado toast has become a cliche in the upwardly mobile lifestyle but it's popular for a reason. And that reason is that avocado fills you faster with its healthier fats and fiber. Make sure the toast is whole-grain and pile on the protein with a poached egg perched on top.

6) Go Green. Your brunch buffet will probably have a bar filled with colorful salads and vegetables and that can be the ultimate guilt-free zone. Just go for the lighter dressings and add it on the side so you can control how much goes on your beautiful greens. And skip the high calorie toppings such as bacon bits, cheese, and buttery croutons.

7) Share Dessert. If you’re there with Mom, then it’s easy to get one plate of the sweet stuff with two forks. Then just enjoy a few bites yourself and let Mom take the bigger half. She deserves it!

8) Be careful with the plant-based meats. They may have become very popular over the past few years, but they often add taste by adding unwanted fat. Read the nutrition labels when possible and choose eggs or lean meats as your protein choice when at the buffet.


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