Is There A Charge For The Initial Consultation?

No, your first meeting with a Professional Weight Management consultant is at no charge. We will explain our program and how it will be tailored to you, your health and weight loss goals.

Am I Locked Into A Contract?

No. You will never be asked to sign a contract and will have no long-term financial commitment.

Will I Be Hungry or Tired?

No. Actually your program is nutritionally optimized to avoid hunger and increase your energy.

Will My Program Include Diet Drugs?

Never. Professional Weight Management is medically safe and never uses diet drugs. Our programs are designed with real food, vitamins and mineral supplements.

Must I Buy Pre-Packaged Foods?

No. With guidance from your weight loss counselor you will eat real food from the grocery or deli and real foods when dining out. We will provide you with delicious snacks which nutritionally complement your personal plan.

What Makes Professional Weight Management Different?

Caring makes the difference. This is not a franchise, but a locally-owned company answering to our clients and not to a corporate office. Our consultants do not have sales quotas and do not receive a commission on sales.

Will My Program Be Supervised By A Doctor?

Absolutely. Professional Weight Management will perform tests to assess your individual metabolism and body chemistry and your program will be developed under the supervision of our staff physician. Our consultants are medically-trained to supervise your program.

How Fast Will I Lose Weight?

Typically women will lose 2-3 pounds per week, an average of 20-25 pounds in 10 weeks. Our gentlemen will lose 3-4 pounds per week, and average of 30-35 pounds in 10 weeks.

Will I Really Lose Weight?

Absolutely. Professional Weight Management will give you the unique advantage of understanding your metabolism and will be there every step of the way with professional support. Where one-size-fits-all diets fail, Professional Weight Management really works.