Up Your Beauty Game With HSN Complex

If winter left your skin dry, your hair lifeless, and your nails brittle, we have the solution--HSN Complex for healthy hair, skin and nails. Two daily capsules of HSN Complex supplies you with the nutrients to:

  • Heal dry skin and maintain a healthy-looking glow

  • Boost skin regeneration

  • Nourish hair and scalp for resilience and elasticity

Here's what makes HSN Complex so beautifying:

Biotin (Vitamin B7:  Your body used biotin to produce keratin--the type of protein that mkes up hair skin and nails. Biotin's impact on keratin production can contribute to stronger hair shafts, reduced thinning of ahir, and restored hair texture. Studes have shown significant improvements after receiving biotin, whie biotin deficiency can result in dry skin, brittle nails and hair loss.

Thiamine:  Improves blood flow and delivery of nutrients to cells. Thiamine acts as an antioxidant with protective effects on hair, skin and nails.

Collagen: A protein that is present in various forms throughout the body, especially in hair, skin and nails. Collagen helps keep your skin plump, firm and thick, slowing the development of wrinkles and other indications of aging.

Horsetail Herb: Highly valued in traditional medicine, horsetail has been show to promote hair growth, nail health and skin health due to its high silica content. Silica is beneficial to the production of collagen.

Vitamin A: Contains retinoids, a compound often added to high-end facial moisturizers due to its ability to minimize fine lines and wrinkles by boosting collagen production and stimulating the production of new blood vessels. Vitamin A also improves sebum oil production, enhancing the quality and texture of your hair while hydrating your scalp.

Gift yourself some self-care by trying HSN Complex for Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails.


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