How to Stick to Your Resolution
How many of us remember last year's resolution? Chances are you do, because it was probably to lose weight. The same as your resolution the year before. And the year before that. By some estimates, nearly 80% of New Year's resolutions revolve around health, including exercise, healthier eating and/or a diet. And about 80% of us will forget all about our resolution by Valentine's Day.
So why bother with a resolution if it's just a promise made on repeat? Because the only ones who fail are the ones who give up. For every real overnight success in Hollywood, there are 10 actors who waited tables and played bit roles for decades before becoming their own overnight success. The great racehorse Seabiscuit lost 17 consecutive races before becoming one of the greatest champions in racing history. Edison failed more than 1,000 times before getting it right and inventing the light bulb. And most of our success stories at Professional Weight Management have tried other diets before.
So how do you make THIS the year your weight loss plan will become an overnight success? Obviously, calling Professional Weight Management is a terrific first step, because your PWM plan will be customized to your specific metabolism and your weekly consultations will provide the guidance and inspiration needed to stay on track. However, the drive to succeed can't be packaged into our supplements or force-fed by our consultants, but must live inside you. Keep that spirit alive with these tips on achieving your New Year's goals:
1) Focus on the positive. State your goal in terms of "I will" and not "I won't”. As in : "I will eat healthy foods and move my body every day." Positive statements stimulate so many more happy thoughts than negative thoughts can. And just as each new week, new month or new year presents a fresh opportunity to change our lives, each morning is a brand new day and a brand new opportunity to thrive and leave yesterday's lapses in the past. The world gives us enough grief; give yourself forgiveness and love.
2) Focus on performance, not results. We all know the disappointment of being SO good all week, only to step on the scales and see zero weight loss. It happens, but it doesn't have to get you down if you're counting activities and not pounds. Eat the right foods, exercise daily, and give yourself the strokes you deserve for living right. The scales will catch up next week.
3) Put your goals in writing. Some people like to post their goal number on the fridge with an inspirational photo of a slim body beside it. Or maybe you can make it the screensaver on your computer. Writing your goal number makes it less of a wish and more of a concrete reality. And if you can share your goal with others, it makes it even more real and it’s more likely you’ll have help sticking to your plan.
4) Be realistic. Your PWM consultant will help you set an achievable timeline for your weight loss plan, but if you're doing it yourself then remember that the number one reason for failure is the failure to properly plan. Don't cut your calories too severely. Your body will fight starvation level diets by sacrificing muscle over fat. Don't plan hours of exercise each day if that routine will never fit into your schedule. Changing a lifestyle takes time, but can be rewarded with a lifetime of good health. And don't you deserve to be healthy, happy and trim, even if the transformation can't be achieved overnight?
5) Share your journey. Most of our clients discover their PWM consultant becomes more than a trusted advisor and we’ve made lifelong friends in our consultation rooms. But why not share your weight loss journey with someone you already trust? Professional Weight Management makes it easy to start a weight loss program with a partner. If your friend or loved one is struggling with their weight loss too, just ask for your referral bonus. Every new start-up you refer earns you $25 off the program for your friend and $25 off a Professional Weight Management product for you.