Misty Lost 52 Pounds
Misty had regained weight after losing it before, so she turned to the program that she trusted, Professional Weight Management in Springfield MO and Branson MO
Glenda Lost 20 Pounds
Glenda had regained weight after losing it before, so she turned to the program that she trusted, Professional Weight Management in Springfield MO and Branson MO
Patricia Had Lost Weight With PWM a Decade Ago. This Time She Lost 37 Pounds
Patricia had regained weight after losing it ten years before, so she returned to the program that she trusted, Professional Weight Management in Springfield MO and Branson MO
Andrea Wanted to Get Healthy and Lost 142 Pounds with Professional Weight Management
Andrea was developing multiple health issues, so she called Professional Weight Management in Springfield MO and Branson MO
Bea Was Tired of Being Tired and Lost 86 Pounds with Professional Weight Management
At 262 pounds, Bea was tired of being tired. She called Professional Weight Management in Springfield MO and Branson MO
Michelle Gained After Menopause and Lost 15 Pounds with Professional Weight Management
Weight gains due to menopause was making Michelle tired and raising her cholesterol levels, but instead of living with those change, Michelle took action. And she called Professional Weight Management.
Sandy Lost 40 Pounds & Lowered Her A1C
After years of watching her A1C numbers slowly climb, Sandy was worried that her first doctor’s visit after the pandemic would be bad news. And she was right—her A1C numbers had soared. But rather than surrender to prescription medicine, Sandy begged for a chance to lower her A1C test results through weight loss. And then she called Professional Weight Management.