Specials & News
Up Your Beauty Game With HSN Complex
Pamper your hair, skin and nails with Professional Weight Management’s NEW HSN Complex.
Restart Your Diet
Did your weight loss resolutions survive the first few weeks of your diet? Congratulations!!! You beat the odds!! If not, every day is a new chance to reset your commitment. Professional Weight Management can help with these tips:
Seven Tips for a Healthy Morning
Think your mornings are too hectic for the healthy start? Try these Professional Weight Management tips to start your day off right
Stay Vacations To Trim the Budget and the Waist
Nobody needs to remind you that gas prices are high and airfare is sky high this summer. So aren't we lucky that we live in an area lots of families dream about visiting for their vacation? If you're watching your weight and your budget, why not try one of these active Staycation ideas?
Fads Vs Lifestyle Changes
Tis the season when many are tempted by the latest internet diet sensation. We get it. Fad diets promise super fast weight loss, and who doesn’t want to be thin right now? Yesterday would be even better. But—and you knew there was a but coming—what do the medical experts say about fad diets?
Pumpkin Spice without the Latte Calories
Pumpkin spice lattes hide 390 calories in each grande cup of deliciousness. Skip most of the calories and make our Professional Weight Management Skinny Pumpkin Mousse instead.
A Healthy Family Is a Happy Family
Did you know September 26th is National Family Health & Fitness Day? It's a great day to remember that our children are watching what we do. And that's a big incentive to demonstrate healthy habits. Here are Professional Weight Management's tips for making smart health choices that will benefit everyone in your family.
Fast Food On A Diet
Sometimes life is just moving too fast for a home cooked meal, and the fast food drive-thru is the only option (or at least the only option that leaves you with your sanity). But you still want a healthy, well-balanced meal. So how do you find the best options in the middle of the high fat fries and burgers? Take Professional Weight Management’s fast food tips along for the ride:
Walking: The Nearly Free Exercise
This is why Professional Weight Management loves walking: It's great for your health and it costs almost nothing. But it does help to put a little thought into what you put on your feet before you hit the trails.
How To Set Goals for Success
Set your weight loss goals for success in 2021. Professional Weight Management has the guidance you need.